The Messenger

Our Weekly Bulletin

December 14, 2022
Volume XXXXII –Number 44

The Centerville Church of Christ has a long history of faithful men who have served it as deacons. The work of a deacon is a serious one and should always be looked upon with great sincerity and reflection of the responsibility it holds. The Bible in 1 Timothy 3:13 says; “For those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a good standing and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.” This month the Centerville church has added six more men to the work of deacons. They are: George Bragg, Kevin Isenberg, Michael Jenkins, Randy James, Brad Garland and Wayne Rediker. These men will be added to our current deacons. They will serve this church well. Be sure to encourage them as they serve this congregation.

To all the men of this congregation: There will be a Men’s Leadership Retreat here at the building on January 21st. We are encouraging all of you to make plans to attend. More information is forthcoming. Also, all the deacons are encouraged to be at the retreat as the Elders will be meeting with you after the retreat that afternoon. Thank you to everyone for all that you do to help the Kingdom of God continue to grow in this community. God Bless, Todd

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