The Messenger

Our Weekly Bulletin

August 11, 2021
Volume XXXXI – Number 30

There is just one Bible. There is just one inspired word of God. It has and will stand through time for all of mankind to know the will of God. It is however necessary that we have the Bible translated into many different languages. Very few of us would be able to read the Bible in the original language as it was written by the apostles and other inspired men. So, “version” or “translations” of the Bible are needed. The many different versions are the results of men’s efforts to translate the Bible into a language that we can understand. Each version is no better than the knowledge and integrity of the one’s producing it. Because none of the original manuscripts are available, ancient copies and versions are used by scholars to seek the precise wording of the original writing done by inspired men. That is one reason for the slight variation in readings of different versions. The King James version was translated by more than seventy men and was an attempt to put the Bible into a “common language.” And yes, it was the common language then. But languages change. And the need for versions in today’s language arises, regardless of the generation or century. And those who earnestly endeavor to accurately translate God’s word into today’s language are serving the cause of Christ to help spread the good news.

Not all versions, though, are good. Some are the result of one trying to change the Bible to further a particular man’s belief. Others try to make a relevant version by putting it into some kind of modern language of sinners. Still others try to bring out a version that translates their thoughts, not the words of the original. It seems to me that God’s words should be translated into todays language so that we can read and understand God’s message to us. Most versions try to do that. The King James, American Standard, The New American Standard, The New King James, and other versions try to do this. Any variation in readings will be minor, and a comparison of several versions in your study will help you understand the meaning of the original. A true student of God’s word will know the difference in short order when reading a version that has been tampered with to meet an individual’s own theology and not God’s. “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.” Mark 13:31.

God Bless -Todd Mark your calendars…September 19! INVITE! INVITE! INVITE!

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