The Messenger

Our Weekly Bulletin

June 16, 2021
Volume XXXXI – Number 23

As I write this, VBS is in full swing. After having to cancel last year, it is such a blessing to see these kids come in so excited and eager to see Pharaoh (He’s not scary) and sing and learn about Bible things. Some may ask, is VBS worth all the time and effort? ABSOLUTELY! It is an opportunity to plant the seed of God in the hearts of young people and adults alike and pray that it will grow. We will never really know the good results that come from the years of having VBS. If just one soul is saved, now or in the future, then it is worth every minute and every dollar spent. Our hero of faithfulness this year for VBS is Joshua. Joshua was a man of great faith, just like Moses before him, he would lead God’s people. People who often doubted, often complained, and rarely seemed to understand what God had promised, He was going to fulfill. I think sometimes people today often react and feel like God’s people did. People seem to either forget or just don’t understand that God has promised all mankind a promised land, heaven! We are on the journey heading toward that place. But so many seem to have lost their way.

May we always remember that God cannot lie, and God has promised us a home in heaven. John 14:1-4 is just one reminder of his promise; “Let not your hearts be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know.” God has always had a plan and He put that plan as it pertains to us in effect over 2000 years ago whenChrist died on the cross. Now, we, His children, Christians, must share that plan as we go through this life. Share the good news with someone. Remember, someone once shared it with you. Dear God, please open doors of opportunity for your word. Open our eyes to see those who are searching for You!

Have a blessed day! -Todd

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