About Us

Our congregation strives to be the church that Jesus Christ established. Examples of this church can be found throughout the New Testament, which serves as our guide as we strive to worship, serve and make disciples in the way that God intended. Our congregation strives to be a part of the Kingdom in the way that Jesus commands us to do, nothing more, nothing less. We are thankful in your interest to know more about us, and we hope you find this information about our history and beliefs beneficial.

Our History

When you visit our congregation, you can expect to find all kinds of people from all walks of life among us. We are a diverse group, coming from varied backgrounds, and at different stages of knowledge and spiritual growth. We are much like a large family with each member involved in a work in which he/she has a talent. We were brought together by our recognition that we are imperfect, and we all are in need of the cleansing blood of Jesus (Mark 2:17, Romans 5:6-9, Ephesians 1:7). We have a common goal to serve God and go to Heaven. This is the reason we worship and work together, to be united servants of the living God and with His help, to accomplish the purposes revealed in His Word. We are aware of our need for Christ, and you will find people who are striving to serve God with Jesus as our example, and the Bible as our unerring guide.

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When you visit our congregation, you can expect to find all kinds of people from all walks of life among us. We are a diverse group, coming from varied backgrounds, and at different stages of knowledge and spiritual growth. We are much like a large family with each member involved in a work in which he/she has a talent. We were brought together by our recognition that we are imperfect, and we all are in need of the cleansing blood of Jesus (Mark 2:17, Romans 5:6-9, Ephesians 1:7). We have a common goal to serve God and go to Heaven. This is the reason we worship and work together, to be united servants of the living God and with His help, to accomplish the purposes revealed in His Word. We are aware of our need for Christ, and you will find people who are striving to serve God with Jesus as our example, and the Bible as our unerring guide.


We endeavor to follow only the New Testament pattern and teachings in all that we do or say. The following is what you can expect to be a part of in our worship services....
  • Singing

    One of the unique things about Churches of Christ is that our music in worship is a cappella. That is, we sing without the accompaniment of musical instruments when we worship God. This is a conviction to follow scripture with us, not just a preference. We seek to worship God in song according to the New Testament pattern (I Corinthians 14:15, Ephesians 5:18-19 Colossians 3:16, Hebrews 2:12). In the New Testament, God addresses the kind of music the church is to use in worship. God said that we are to “sing and make melody in your heart to the Lord.” Therefore, we “sing and make melody in our heart to the Lord” with our voices only. We are confident that you will find the singing meaningful and inspiring, and everyone is invited to participate.

  • Prayer

    Prayer is the avenue of worship that brings us humbly before the Throne of God. It is the right and privilege of every Christian to pray directly to our Heavenly Father and through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. There will be several prayers during our worship service. Prayers will sometimes reflect our praise to God, for those who are sick or in need and those who have made specific prayer requests.

  • The Lord's Supper

    Christians observe the Lord’s Supper every Sunday. The bread symbolizes the body of Jesus (I Corinthians 11:23-25). The fruit of the vine (i.e. grape juice) symbolizes the blood of Jesus (I Corinthians 11:23-25). This is a special time for Christians to meditate on and remember the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. At our evening services, The Lord’s Supper is also offered in the chapel at the end of the service.

  • The Offering

    Each member of the congregation contributes weekly to the work of the church as commanded in I Corinthians 16:1-2. When you visit, you are not obligated to make a contribution.

  • Reading and Preaching

    Reading of scripture and preaching the Word of God is the part of our worship that provides spiritual food for the soul. It is a vital part of our worship because it opens our hearts and minds to spiritual things, letting God speak to us through His written, inspired word. The sermon will generally be 20-30 minutes in length and will be Bible-centered.

  • The Invitation

    The Invitation is extended at the close of each sermon and the Wednesday evening devotional. This is simply a convenient time to invite those who are convicted by their understanding of God’s Word to make an obedient response to the gospel. That is, to respond in faith (Hebrews 11:6), acknowledge repentance of their sins (Luke 13:3), confess Jesus as their Lord (Matthew 10:32) and be immersed (baptized) in water for the forgiveness of their sins (Acts. 8:35-29, Romans 6:3-4, Colossians 2:12, Acts 2:38). In baptism, they are raised to walk a new life in Christ Jesus and added to His body, the Church (Acts 22:16, Romans 6:3-4, I Corinthians 12:13). Also, it is a time for members of the church who have grown weak and whose sins are known publicly to seek restoration and renewal to the body of Christ, the Church (Acts 8:33, James 5:16). The minister will encourage those who wish to “respond” to come to the front of the auditorium, while the congregation sings the invitation hymn.

  • Bible Study

    Bible study is a way Christians “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (II Peter 3:18). To fulfill this command, we have Bible study classes each Sunday morning at 10:15 and each Wednesday evening at 7:00. Our classes begin with the cradle roll class, where babies and little ones under 2 years old begin to learn songs and stories about God and the Bible. We have Bible classes for all grades and ages through adulthood. There are several adult classes available, and you are encouraged to search for one that interests you. You are especially encouraged to let your children participate in our Bible classes. There they will find loving teachers committed to teaching God’s Word. This time also gives children the opportunity to be with and meet with other children their age.