Our Weekly Bulletin
This coming Sunday will be our Ministry Fair where we will display most of the ministry opportunities here atCenterville. It will be your opportunity to see if there is a place for you to use the talents that God has given to you touse for His glory.
We all have a talent. You have a talent. I have a talent. Your talent and my talent may not be the same, but yes, weall have a talent. For example, I preach and teach, but none of you have ever heard me lead singing in a worshipsetting, there is a reason for that! That is not my talent. While I am thankful for those men who can lead singing anduse that talent. It helps bring our worship into focus, though I wish I could lead singing, it’s not my talent.
Song leading, Prayer, Scripture Reading, Presiding, and Preaching are all very visual and not all of us have the talentto work in that capacity. But, in order for the church to function and to operate for God’s glory, there are more rolesthat need to be fulfilled beyond the most visual roles we see each Sunday morning. 1 Peter 4:8-10 says; “Above all,love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another withoutgrumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’sgrace in various forms.” The scripture says to “use whatever” talent you have received. This indicates that you havea talent, even if you think you do not. Take a moment and read the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14-28. Notice that the master never grumbles about the number of talents each servant has. The master is upset that allwere given a talent, but one did not use the talent at all, and that one was cast out.
For everyone to get to heaven and not be left behind we all have a job to do and a God given talent to use. Don’t youlove Him enough to use your talent! You never know how your talent might help push a person toward followingGod, so use it for God!
Be here Sunday and find a place, or two or three where you can use those talents. We sure could use you!
God Bless -Todd
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