Our Weekly Bulletin
It seems to me that no matter how long someone might live, that most people are seldom ready for the end of their life to come. And when life ends before the usual expected time, we are obviously thrown into shock and grief. But even when someone has lived a full and long life, we are still filled with pain none the less. We weren’t quite ready to say goodbye, and we likely never would have been. Consider the life of Moses, after living 120 years on this earth he came to the end of his life. You might think that surely after 120 years that one would feel that the end would be a relief. Moses even says, “I am no longer able to come and go” (Deut. 31:2). But despite all of those years, and in spite of waning energy he said, “O Lord GOD, You have begun to show Your servant Your greatness and Your strong hand; for what God is there in heaven or on earth who can do such works and mighty acts as Yours? ”Let me, I pray, cross over and see the fair land that is beyond the Jordan, that good hill country and Lebanon” (Deut. 3:24-25). Did you catch that? After 120 years Moses feels that God had only begun to show His greatness, and Moses is right. After 120 years Moses wants to see one more thing. I think I can imagine it, because I have watched my loved ones die and wanted just a few more moments with them. I just wanted to tell them one more thing or hear one more word of wisdom, one more time to say I love you, one more word of assurance from them. It’s not even that they died before their time. It’s that they died before MY time. They died before I was ready for them to go.
In Deuteronomy 34 the end comes for Moses. God allowed him to go to the top of Pisgah and see what he is missing out on. Do you think that was a cruel of God? I don’t. In fact, as I think of it, I consider the notion of the last sight in this life being the thing I most want to see and yet cannot realize. Moses dies after seeing the promise land. But think what he opened his eye to? As Moses beholds the glory of God, can you imagine him thinking that he missed out on something? Perhaps, looking over that promised land wasn’t a reminder that he missed out, but a reminder that such was never the true land of promise. He died looking at a promise he missed out on and awoke to the only one that ever really mattered to begin with. When we come to the end of our life here in this world, when we close our eyes for the last time, just think what we as Christians will see when we open them again in eternity in that great land of promise. Then we will know for certain, the reality of how beautiful heaven really is. God Bless, Todd
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