Our Weekly Bulletin
The Annual All Church Night was a spectacular evening. An event like this cannot happen without the dedication and efforts of many. Congratulations to the Volunteers of the Year, Matthew and Ashley Halliburton. A Service Award was given to the Lend-A-Hand Ministry for the many they lend service to throughout the year and to Jean Qualls for 46 years’ service in our educational programs beginning with Day School in 1978. We want to thank those that set-up and decorated, the many desserts that were prepared, everyone that served and pitched in during the evening, and the many that helped clean-up. A special thank you to Nick Bentley for the entertainment. It was a wonderful, wonderful night! As we continue through the month of December there will be Bible class parties, Sunshine Bags assembled and delivered, toys and food given to families in need. We are a busy church family. If you are not involved, get involved! The time spent with family is very important and essential. That time spent during the holidays is always a memory making time. There have been 16 families touched with death this year, not including close relatives. Their family gathering will be altered this year and somewhat difficult as they come together for that first time. Christmas Day this year falls on Wednesday. We will not have Wednesday Evening Service that evening, but we encourage families to be together and cherish that time. There will be available that day a Family Christmas Message you can watch on our website, Facebook, or YouTube. The following week Wednesday Evening Service will be on Tuesday, New Years Eve evening at 7pm. Following the service, we will meet in the fellowship hall for finger foods and fellowship, being the last evening together in 2024.
This is the time of the year when giving gifts becomes a focus and priority for many. The gift “that keeps on giving”, is a term used in a commercial to encourage your response to purchase an item. God has given us the gift “that keeps on giving”. That gift is “Jesus Christ”. This is the time of the year the world recognizes and celebrates the birth of our Lord. When Jesus is in the forethought of people’s minds, we are always thankful. The remembrance of our Lord should not be characterized within a seasonal time of the year, but within our hearts daily. The birth, the life, the death, and the resurrection of Jesus is God’s “gift that keeps on giving.” God’s gift to us is the perfect gift. Paul wrote in II Corinthians 9:15, Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!
Let worship this Sunday be a top priority for you and your family. Let us all invite someone to be our guest. Your Elders
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